Family Education
Sexuality Education is a process of gaining knowledge and forming attitudes, beliefs and values regarding human sexuality.
MOE Sexuality Education covers the following areas:
Physical: Physical changes during sexual maturity.
Emotional: Sexual attitudes and feelings towards self and others.
Social: Sexual norms and behaviour, and the legal, cultural and societal implications.
Ethical: Values and moral systems related to sexuality.
The 6 guiding principles of MOE's Sexuality Education are:
The MOE Sexuality Education curriculum is organised around 5 themes:
Overview of NorthLight School Family Education
In NorthLight School, SEd is conducted during Family Education lessons which are part of the Northlight Programme. The customised school curriculum incorporates the Growing Years curriculum as well as eTeens talks and classroom based learning (Year 3) This allows us to take a holistic approach which aligns to our students’ profile. Our lessons are founded on 5 broad based themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health, Sexual Behaviour and Culture, Society and Law.
1. The goals of Sexuality Education are to:
To help students make wise, responsible and informed decisions through the provision of accurate, current and age-appropriate knowledge on human sexuality and the consequences of sexual activity;
To help students know themselves and build healthy and rewarding relationships through the acquisition of social and emotional skills of self-awareness, management of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, development of empathy for others, possession of effective communication, problem-solving and decision-making skills; and
To help students develop a moral compass, respect for themselves and for others as sexual beings, premised on the family as the basic unit of society, through the inculcation of positive mainstream values and attitudes about sexuality.
2. The key messages of Sexuality Education are:
Love and respect yourself as you love and respect others;
Build positive relationships based on love and respect (which are the foundation for strong families);
Make responsible decisions for yourself, your family and society; and
Abstinence before marriage is the best protection against STIs/HIV and unintended pregnancies. Casual sex can harm and hurt you and your loved ones.
You may click here for more information on MOE Sexuality Education.
Overview of NorthLight School’s Sexuality Education Programme for 2025
3. Sexuality Education is delivered in a holistic manner through the school curriculum. The content for Sexuality Education is grouped into five main themes: Human Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Sexual Health, Sexual Behaviour, and, Culture, Society and Law. You may click here for more information on the scope of Sexuality Education in the school curriculum.
4. The NorthLight Programme Family Education incorporates topics on sexuality.
Growing Years (GY) Programme:
“The Teenage Years (2nd Edition)” (Lower Sec) Teaching & Learning resource package
“Sense & Sexuality (2nd Edition)” (Upper Sec) Teaching & Learning resource package
5. The values and attitudes of our youth towards sexuality are increasingly shaped by their peers, exposure to the media, popular culture and the internet. Adolescence is a complex stage in life as the adolescent attempts to find his/her own identity and often struggles with new social relationships. The period of middle adolescence (generally from 15 – 17 years old) can be a turbulent period for adolescents. The gap between physical and emotional/cognitive maturity may result in a tendency to act on impulse, experiment with various activities (including sexual activities), sometimes without understanding the unpleasant consequences that may arise from such experimentation. The need for peer acceptance can be overwhelmingly strong, and hinder one’s ability to act responsibly. Given the pressures faced by the middle adolescent from within themselves and from peers, it is important to build a strong sense of self-worth, personal conviction and an understanding of the possible consequences of sexual behaviour.
6. Through “The Teenage Years” and “Sense & Sexuality” packages, students will have the opportunity to develop a positive self-esteem, develop their character, and expand their understanding and repertoire of skills to deal with various issues related to sexuality, which are of prime concern at this age.
At NorthLight School, the following lessons from the Growing Years Programme will be taught in 2025:
Year 1
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 1: Puberty |
1 hour |
* recognise the physical development during puberty in boys and girls
Term 1 or 3 |
Lesson 2: Personal Hygiene |
1 hour |
* understand the importance of personal hygiene
Lesson 3: The Real Self |
1 hour |
* understand how one’s perception of his body is linked to personal experiences
and the sources of information that are taken in
Lesson 4: Eating Disorders |
1 hour |
* recognise that one’s self-perception is influenced by his perception
of his body
Lesson 5: Uniquely Me |
1 hour |
* develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of themselves |
Lesson 6: Healthy Relationships |
1 hour |
* define what constitute a healthy relationship
Lesson 7: Being Aware Being Safe |
1 hour |
* reflect on the reasons for people to use social networking sites to
make friends or to engage their existing friends
Lesson 8: Media Truths & Lies |
1 hour |
* express their views about information from the internet and be aware
of the potential/ possible dangers of it
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 9: Love vs Infatuation |
1 hour |
* understand that infatuation is temporary and a normal part of growing
Term 2 or 4 |
Lesson 10: True Love |
1 hour |
* understand what commitment and true love is |
Lesson 11: The Dating Game |
1 hour |
* recognise the importance of developing a friendship before committing
to a romantic relationship
Lesson 12: Breaking Up is Not Easy |
1 hour |
* identify why relationships break down
Lesson 13: Temptation |
1 hour |
* recognize the sources of temptation and situations that can lead to
pre-marital sex
Lesson 14: Responsible Me, Safe Me |
1 hour |
* know what is considered pornographic material on the Internet under
the Internet code of practice
Lesson 15: Must It Be As Expected |
1 hour |
* know the influence of family, culture and society on one’s perception
of his gender role
Lesson 16: At the Crossroads |
1 hour |
* demonstrate healthy attitudes towards human sexuality
Year 2
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 1: Online Encounters |
1 hour |
* express their views about information from the internet and be aware of the potential/ possible dangers of it |
Term 1 or 3 |
Lesson 2: A Touchy Issue |
1 hour |
* recognise how new media has shaped public perception of acceptability
of public display of affection
Lesson 3: Touching Others |
1 hour |
* develop healthy attitudes towards one’s body
Lesson 4: Sexual Abuse |
1 hour |
* explain what constitutes a sexual act
Lesson 5: Getting To Know you |
1 hour |
* recognize what constitutes responsible dating
Lesson 6: Moving On – Breaking Up |
1 hour |
* explain the process of grief and loss that people experience when a
relationship breaks down
Lesson 7: The Morning After |
1 hour |
* distinguish between touching and petting
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 8: In the Name of the Law |
1 hour |
* understand why pre-marital and underage sex are punishable by law
Lesson 9: Teenage Pregnancy |
1 hour |
* understand the consequences of teenage pregnancy
Lesson 10: Abortion |
1 hour |
* explain the process of abortion
Term 2 or 4 |
Lesson 11: Sexual Health |
1 hour |
* explain the need to take responsibility for their sexual health
Lesson 12: Sexual Abstinence |
1 hour |
* recognise that respect and responsible decision making are important
in relationships
Lesson 13: Contraception |
1 hour |
* state the various contraception methods and describe their side effects
Lesson 14: Exhibitionism |
1 hour |
* know what exhibitionism is
Lesson 15: Stranger Danger |
1 hour |
* recognise the danger of meeting online friends, sharing too much personal
info online
Year 3
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 1: Marriage |
1 hour |
* define what cohabitation is and evaluate the consequences of cohabitation
Term 2 or 4 |
Lesson 2: Love Conquers All |
1 hour |
* reflect on the qualities of a healthy romantic relationship |
Lesson 3: Family |
1 hour |
* distinguish differences in family types and the structural roles of
family members
Lesson 4: eTeens Lesson 1 – Decision Making |
1 hour |
* understand there are consequences in any decision one makes regarding
sexual intercourse
Lesson 5: eTeens Lesson 2 – Assertiveness |
1 hour |
* understand what assertive behaviour is
Lesson 6: eTeens Lesson 3 – Negotiation |
1 hour |
* practise negotiating one’s way out of a negative situation |
Lesson 7: eTeens Lesson 4 – Is It Safe |
1 hour |
* learn risk reduction for STIs/HIV and assess situations to aid the control of impulses in sexual behaviour |
Lesson 8: Online Self-Disclosure |
1 hour |
* recognize the potential/ possible dangers of online self-disclosure |
Year 4
Lesson Objectives |
Lesson 1: Being Safe |
1 hour |
* learn about stranger danger, and the pros & cons of making friends
over social networking platforms
Term 1 & 2 or 3 |
Lesson 2: Respecting Others |
1 hour |
* learn what sexual expletives really mean
Lesson 3: PorNOgraphy |
1 hour |
* recognise how how peer pressure can influence decision-making
Lesson 4: The Dating Game |
1 hour |
* evaluate one’s readiness for a romantic relationship, leading to marriage
Lesson 5: Family |
1 hour |
* recognize and the importance of not stereotyping according to gender
in the family
eTeens Programme:
7. eTeens is a programme developed by Health Promotion Board, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, for Secondary 3 students to provide them with accurate information on STIs, HIV and protection from a health perspective. eTeens is conducted in two segments – a mass talk segment and a classroom-based programme.
8. Students are taught skills such as decision-making, assertiveness and negotiation to say “no” to sex and negative peer pressure. They also learn that the impact of STIs/HIV extends beyond themselves and involves their family. Abstinence and upholding family values are the key messages. The desired outcome of the eTeens programme is that students are empowered to make wise, informed and sensible decisions.
At NorthLight School, the eTeens programme will be implemented as follows in 2025:
Topics/Lessons |
Programme Learning Objectives |
Time Period |
Mass Talk by HPB appointed vendor |
* Awareness of the different STIs and HIV/AIDS
Term 3 |
Classroom-based Lesson |
* Learn to negotiate their way out of a risky situation by applying skills of assertiveness and responsible decision-making |
Term 2 or 4 |
Information for Parents
9. Parents who wish to withdraw their children out of the Sexuality Education Programme in 2025, please complete the MOE SEd Parent Opt-out Form here .
10. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the Growing Years (GY) programme need to complete an opt-out form. This form is downloadable here . A hardcopy or softcopy of the form, duly completed and signed, is to be submitted to the school office by 24 January 2025.
11. Parents who wish to opt their children out of the eTeens programme need to complete an opt-out form. This form is downloadable here. A hardcopy or softcopy of the form, duly completed and signed, is to be submitted to the school office by 24 January 2025.
12. Parents an contact the school at 6929 6290 or for discussion or to seek clarification about the school’s sexuality education programme.