Mission & Vision
As one of three main pillars of Character development and holistic education, Physical Education & Sports Wellness (PE SW) curriculum serve to imbibe in our students the importance of teamwork, resilience, creative problem solving and character & values formation as part of 21 Century CC. The PE SW Department’s curriculum is designed to ensure that students’ learning is made experiential, and fun as most of our students are kinaesthetic and visual learners. The environment our students are exposed to is created deliberately to ensure that their learning is purposeful and nurtures meaningful socio-emotional development. Underpinning the SW curriculum is the philosophical intent NLS PE 2.0 which is premised on the acronym M.O.V.E– Multiple Opportunities for Varied Experiences. These opportunities further serve to enhance our students’ P.I.E.S (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional & Social). Additionally, the PE SW curriculum is developmentally progressive in that it begins with Exposure (different sports, skills and knowledge) to Familiarization through Practise, leading on to Refinement and finally Consolidation.
The PE SW curriculum at times can appear organic but it is premised on creating authentic learning experiences with a focus on choice and how the needs of our students are addressed. This constant reworking keeps the PE SW curriculum fresh and engaging and serves to enthuse the students to come to school.
Underlying the MOVE philosophy, the “Purposeful Play” approach is adopted. By providing the physical, cognitive, social and affective tools our students need to purposefully play, it will be a step closer to empowering them to move on their own terms. Drawing on the notion of purposeful play, the department adapted the key tenets into our SW programme and ensures that our students feel a sense of joyful completion for every given tasks. Furthermore, students are encouraged to take calculated risks and learn from their mistakes. They work in teams to collaborate and in so doing, garner a sense of ownership and pride.
Differentiated Learning is another approach undertaken in the teaching of PE SW. Differentiated Instruction is a complement to Purposeful Play as it student-centric and looks at the readiness of the student and this requires purposeful planning ie pre test/assessment or the modification of equipment to allow our student to experience success and for learning to take place. All these components then inform Purpose Play especially in the Preparation and Practice phases.